
 Holistic Interiors + Thoughtful Designs for the Modern Dweller


Design Services

“A home is a kingdom of its own in the midst of the world, a stronghold amid life's storms and stresses, a refuge, and even a sanctuary.” -Dietrich Bonhoeffer

The Makers + Holm approach to re-design begins with your goals, interests, and life challenges. How do you wish to feel in each and every space you reside in, what do you want to do there, and how does your home impact the people you care most about? 

Our holistic interior design is inclusive of eco-friendly materials, sustainably-sourced home goods, elemental features and found objects of nature. Textiles are made from natural fibers or are upcycled/reusables. Color palettes support a nurturing environment. Natural light and air quality are essential. Personal and common spaces are uncluttered for optimal functionality. Locally made furniture is mixed with timeless treasures of the past.

Learn more about our design services >


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Featured Makers

Makers + Holm introduces you to the many local artisans that so deserve to be in the spotlight. Mastery of craft enriches the life of the maker and at the same time adds a simple yet sophisticated complexity to any community.

See our Makers stories >


M+H Products

Makers + Holm collaborates with Makers to create thoughtful, sustainable products for the home.

See our Makers collaborations >

M+H Journal

The M+H Journal explores aspects of the home through holistic décor, arts and crafts, environment and wellness.